TCHS is thrilled to announce a generous grant from the Homeless Animals Support Network by PWHS through The Community Foundation of the Rappahannock River Region to help us Spay ALL the Cats!😻😻😻
Every spring and summer in the Twin Counties we are inundated with requests for help with kittens - sick kittens, abandoned kittens, just way too many kittens and we are not able to help them all, and the community can't absorb them all. Spay and neuter are the keys to preventing so much suffering😿
We will be announcing some programs in conjunction with community partners in the near future, but in the meantime, if you have a female cat and need help to get her spayed, please reach out to us through FB or on our helpline (276-779-9418) and we will help!
Please SHARE this post and reach out to your non-Facebook friends, neighbors, and relatives so that we can get the word out!
Thank you❤
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